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My work


Light- & Shadowwork

Embrace the power of your shadow self and discover hidden aspects of your unique blueprint. Through compassionate exploration and integration, you can heal past traumas and embrace your original wholeness.



My drum and I are an inseparable team.   

She    was built from scratch, using a wooden   ring,   more than 30 meters of rope and a goatskin.   She has been with me   since 2017 and   her voice is strong and kind at the same time.   She   is my  beloved,  sacred instrument   during drum circles and   sound healings.


Mthr SaBina

Alchemist    & medicine woman. Lovingly brings together the riches of Pacha Mama. Specialized in working with salt, gold water and lapis lazuli. By coding these, the secrets of the original DNA are passed on to you.


LiGht- & Shadowwork

Working with Light & Shadow


At first glance this seems rather contradictory, because who really wants to work with the dark sides of their own personality?

And yet working with your shadow self is necessary to be whole and complete again. To be(come) your unique self.


It is a polarity, plus and minus cannot exist without each other. No light without shadow, no together without alone, and so on.


My work has emerged from my own personal experience. All the inner processes that I have gone through, the training courses that have given me incredibly beautiful life lessons. It has brought me where I am now. I will be very honest, it is not an easy path. It requires self-reflection and awareness.

Podcast - your unique self

Where your brain meets your heart

Living from your heart, with a super active brain is a mega challenge! Especially with an overstimulated nervous system or a flooded energy field.   There is a great chance    you may be highly sensitive or clairsentient.


My name is Doriene Laurine. In this podcast I will take you on a journey into my inner world, where thinking and feeling regularly attract and repel one another. Raw and uncensored, just the way I feel it. Shamanic practioner, herbalist and creator.


Trained as an ADHD coach. Experience expert in the field of "full head" syndrome and a flooded energy field. Familiar with consequential damage, arising from child trauma and shutting down my unique (higher) Self. ​ This podcast is for you, if you want to be your unique Self (again)! And the life that is destined to live.

"Doriene is such a powerful shaman woman. I was allowed to receive an intuitive ritual from her, in which my memories and the trust in the wisdom of my womb were felt and strengthened.
Doriene breathes her shamanistic roots and she has a warm, earthy energy.
I recommend her if you want to sink down and work with the magic of your inner nature. Aheeee, ahooo."

Elody Hamelink - Lichaamsgerichte zielspsycholoog



Doriene Laurine 

Shamanic practioner
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